1er siècle
This rectangular marble plaque (52 x 39 cm) was discovered in 1988 in the bottom of a third basin cured Site Guéthary. It probably fractured in two parts at a time when she was whole pier. It provides a comprehensive epigraphic field in a capital write the High Empire and is dated to the first half of the first century AD It is a funerary inscription of a tomb that was to adorn the top of the front door of a stone monument. This stele, or more simply put, richly carved with a representation of the deceased, was located outside, near the house of the marten. Performed in his lifetime by Caius Lulius Niger for himself and Iulia Hilara and Caius Lulius Adiucus, it shows the relationship of a master with three of his freed slaves.
Probably the only known epigraphic document Roman world about the owner of a fish salting factory and three of his freedmen, who was discovered on the site of his factory.
Text on the epitaph: "Vivus Caius Lulius Leonis libertus Niger sibi and Iuliae_Leonis libertae Hilarae And Caio Iulio Leonis liberto Adiuco fratri"
Translation: "During his lifetime, Caius Lulius Niger, freed from Caius Lulius Leo, commissioned this tomb for himself and for Iulia Hilara, freed Leo, as well as Caius Lulius Adiucus (also) free from Leo's brother. "